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SkiingSkiing is an aerobic activity that requires strong core and thigh muscles.  You must also have good balance.

Before you head off to the slopes it is imperative that you prepare for your holiday by increasing your fitness, muscle tone and stability. By improving stability and mobility in your shoulders, legs and hips, this will reduce the likelihood of injury and improve your skiing performance.

Most injuries whilst skiing occur in the second part of a holiday. When you are becoming tired you start to notice a lack of fitness and this can lead to injury.

Injuries occur due to:

  • Over exertion
  • Over use
  • Fatigue
  • Trauma

Overcome these problems at Physiotherapy2fit with a 1:1 appointment with a Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist or join our Pilates and Fitness Conditioning classes.

1:1 Ski Assessment

Our experienced Physiotherapists at Physiotherapy2fit will check your alignment looking for weaknesses in the knees, ankles, hips, pelvis, back or shoulders that may lead to a vulnerability for potential injuries. We will advise on how you should manage an acute problem should you suffer whilst away on your skiing holiday. Daily exercises will be recommended that you should be using as part of a warm up each day. You will be provided a bespoke home exercise programme to get you into top shape designed to meet your individual needs. Sessions last for one hour and cost £60.

Fitness Conditioning Classes

For ongoing structured, supervised exercise excellent for becoming ‘Ski-fit’ you could join our Pilates and Fitness Conditioning classes. These are fun small group classes that incorporate small equipment including the BOSU, gym balls and resistance apparatus to challenge balance, tone and build muscle strength without losing flexibility.  The maximum class number is 6 so you can be sure to get individual attention throughout ensuring you are performing exercises for the full benefit.

We recommend that before you go on holiday you attend at least 8 weeks of classes to ensure that you are as fit as possible to hit the slopes.

These classes can be attended without Ski 1:1 Assessment but you will need a quick 15 minute assessment in order for us to identify your individual needs.  This only costs £15.

“Do you have a fracture?”

One of the latest technology advances of modern Physiotherapy is the introduction of LIPUS.  This new technology is able to reduce your healing time by up to 50%.  Thats 3 weeks instead of 6!

The sound pressure stimulation provided by the LIPUS (Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound) system accelerates the formation and union of fractured bone and promotes rapid recovery.

Research has shown LIPUS significantly reduces healing time compared to placebos.

Used by all premiership football clubs and the MoD this is cutting edge technology which is only offered as a last resort on the NHS.

Book an appointment today for and initial consultation and then hire our machine for daily use at home.

We specialise in helping recovery from and management of injuries, conditions and disorders of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves. We take a practical approach to your individual situation. Our physiotherapy… More →

Aqua therapy is water therapy to relieve pain and promote physical well-being through exercise and relaxation. It should however be noted that the pools we use at Swallows (Sittingbourne) and Roko health club… More →

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that treats patients by insertion and manipulation of needles in the body. Its proponents variously claim that it relieves pain, treats infertility, treats disease, prevents disease, or promotes… More →

We provide specialist Rheumatological Physiotherapy, taking into account all of your specific needs. Rheumatology Physio is unique and can include various other options such as acupuncture, exercise therapy, electrotherapy and hydrotherapy. When treating… More →

Sports physiotherapy and Sports Therapy helps sportsmen and sportswomen reach peak performance and advise on injury prevention and recovery from injuries. It is aimed at the professional and recreational athlete and specialises in… More →

Children under 16 can be troubled with many musculoskeletal, neurological and respiratory problems similar to adults. We are able to provide treatment to children and obviously dependant on your child’s problem can provide… More →

Massage is the manipulation of superficial and deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance function, aid in the healing process, and promote relaxation and well-being. Sports massage can be used to… More →

Pilates is a gentle form of exercise which tones and stretches the body, adding strength without bulk. It is often recommended for people who suffer from back or neck problems, those with a… More →

Fitness training with a personal fitness trainer compliments physiotherapy to strengthen and regain full fitness following injury but also to promote weight loss, increase energy levels and improve general well-being. To maintain a… More →

Osteotron IV is an effective device which acts to speed up the natural fracture healing process by stimulating bone cells to grow and repair. How does it work? Treatment involves placing the ultrasound probe… More →

Women’s Health is a specialised field of Physiotherapy that focuses on female health problems. This includes Continence issues of the bladder and bowel, Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Pelvic Pain. We also offer advice… More →

Podiatry’ is the first thing you should think about when you have a foot problem as you do for a dentist  when you have toothache. Podiatry includes: Musculoskeletal Podiatry: gait (walking/running) analysis, assessment, evaluation… More →

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