Policies and Procedures
Physiotherapy2fit is committed to providing clinically safe and effective care. We are constantly striving to improve the patient experience of our service as a whole.
If you would like to comment on the service you have received or you have a complaint please contact our main office, either via email info@physiotherapy2fit.com or by telephone 01795482822. We are a small company that prides ourselves on our reputation and therefore all complaints are taken seriously and will be fully investigated. If you have a positive experience to share then we always welcome this as well!
To support staff, Physiotherapy2fit provides a fair, open and consistent environment and does not seek to apportion blame. In turn, this encourages a culture and willingness to be open and honest to report any situation where things have,or could go wrong.
Physiotherapy2fit recognizes that reducing risk in all situations can be best achieved by adherence to the tenets of good professional practice, and through the responsible use of frameworks for safer practice and services, for staff and users, through adherence to sensible, transparent and practical policy, procedure and protocol, and to legislative requirements.
Please find below the majority of our active policies. If you need directing to something in particular or you cannot find what you are looking for please contact our main office and they will help you wherever they can and direct you to another member of staff if this is something they are unable to help with.