Shoulder Exercises

These exercises are designed to help improve the movement or strength in your shoulder. Please complete them as prescribed by your therapist. If you notice an increase in symptoms please contact your therapist.

Finger Crawl up the Wall
Drop and Catch Derby
Doorway Shoulder
Arm Flexion with Resistance Band
Single Hand Ball Roll on Wall
Side Drop and Catch Derby
Shoulder Shrugs
Shoulder Flexion with Stick
Shoulder External Rotation
Shoulder Extension with Stick
Seated Bilateral Rotation with Resistance Band
Seated Arm Flexion with Resistance Band
Seated Arm Abduction with Resistance Band
Rowing with Resistance Band
Shoulder Isometric Flexion
Shoulder Isometric External Rotation
Shoulder Isometric Adduction
Shoulder Flexion in Supine
Press Up Walk Out Over Ball

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