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APPIpilatesPilates is a gentle form of exercise which tones and stretches the body, adding strength without bulk. It is often recommended for people who suffer from back or neck problems, those with a previous sport’s injury, and can be beneficial during pregnancy. The Pilates taught at Physiotherapy2fit is based on the methods and teachings of Joseph Pilates, combined with our Physiotherapist’s added experience and knowledge.

Exercises focus on spine and joint alignment. You will be taught how to engage the pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles effectively, thereby creating strong support for the spine. Exercises are progressed as your strength and control improves. As classes are a maximum of 6 people individual adjustments and progressions can be made to make the class specific and tailored just for you. Small equipment in the form of different sized balls, therabands and foam rollers is often used to progress exercises.

Prescription based Pilates delivered by a Physiotherapist at Physiotherapy2fit will:

  • Treat the neck and back pain (through correcting imbalances, strengthening and increasing flexibility)
  • Improve sports performance in athletes or keen sports people
  • Teach individuals how to improve their posture and / or balance
  • Tone the abdominals, thighs and bottom muscles
  • Improve flexibility

The Pilates classes are planned utilising clinical reasoning and Pilates experience so that clients get a balance of strength and flexibility exercises which tie in with work from the previous weeks class. Every exercise is put into a class for a desired outcome and the Physiotherapists will know other exercises that achieve the same outcome. They therefore can give alternatives within the class if necessary without causing a disturbance or any embarrassment. Physiotherapists are able to use not only Pilates exercises but a whole careers worth of Physiotherapy exercises.

How do our Pilates classes differ to those in a gym or delivered by a gym instructor?

All of Physiotherapy2fit’s Pilates classes are delivered by one of our Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist’s. Physiotherapists complete a 3 or 4 year degree programme which is centred around education in anatomy and exercise prescription. All of our Physiotherapists are HCPC registered which means they continually develop themselves and keep up to date with the latest research. A physiotherapist will understand the nature of the injury or problem you are presenting with. They will therefore be able to modify the exercises to ensure they are appropriate and the most effective for your needs. Being allied health professionals we have strong links with local GPs, consultants, specialists, midwifes and osteopaths allowing us to make referrals if required when problem are identified within our classes.

Class Size: Maximum 8
£7.50 per session,

We recommend that before attending the classes if you have not had any prior experience of Pilates or physiotherapy treatment with us that you attend a 1:1 introduction. This will provide you with technique instruction as to how to activate your core. It will also allow us to identify any biomechanical issues you may have to provide you with a specific home exercise programme to compliment the Pilates classes.

Individual sessions cost £39 for 45 minutes with one of our physiotherapists.

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